
Latest Release

Keep checking weekly for a new potential release with new features and improvements!

Release 1.1.27

Releasing on 07/08/2024.


Ability to scan a UPC code within Update Bottle to locate bottles quicker. After adding a bottle and selecting Add Another, the bar code scanner will automatically start to scan the next bottle.

Usability / Bug Fixes

Improved the usability for signing up for premium features.

Release 1.1.24/1.1.25

Released on 06/27/2024


The ability to sort by Purchase Date in the Reports section.

Usability / Bug Fixes

Can easily sort up and down in Reports area.

Release 1.1.23

Released on 03/18/2024

Click Here for Premium Feature Video

Improved Whiskey Wisdom feature with recipes, interesting facts, random fact of the month, how to taste whiskey along with the Research Bottle feature.

Usability / Bug Fixes

Resolved a crash with viewing Location filtered by a certain location on the Report page.

Upcoming Features

Short-Term Features

Long-Term Features